November 01, 2012

Giant Panda with the Bamboo: Beautiful Amazing Panda Animal Safari Travel Destinations

Giant Panda with the Bamboo: Beautiful Amazing Panda Animal Safari Travel Destinations

Beautiful Amazing Giant Panda Animal Safari Travel Destinations Around the world

The giant panda Scientific Classification (Genus and Species, Family, Order): Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Ursidae, Carnivora just as the beautiful dangerous grizzly bears and the polar bears have made names in the history as some of the most beautiful animals and the most endangered bear species in the world. Where in the world would you see the greatest number of pandas other than China in the deep bamboo forests where these pandas have been chewing the bamboo for as long as the crouching tigers and snow leopards have been roaming these great forests of China with all its endangered wild animals in their natural habitat sharing with the pandas as well. 

What is always so special about pandas? Why are pandas loved by people all over the world? I also love pandas and when the movie Kung Panda was released, I was very much inspired by this animated panda film such that it even made me fall in love with panda. With many famous panda zoos in the world coming up and helping in the conservation and protection of the panda among the children the youth and many animal safari lovers being informed about pandas, the plight of these endangered pandas across the world and the care they are given not forgetting the illegal panda poaching has really seen the numbers of panda population go down. 

While a lot of work about panda restoration is till taking place, many zoos where pandas are raised and kept have helped seen a steady increase in the panda population but these baby steps in raising pandas captivity is not as sufficient as the real life pandas would have in the wild. 

Do people really have to travel to China on a Panda animal safari to see these giant pandas? Many zoos of the world now days have managed to get a few pandas despite the pandas already facing great extinction in many parts of China and Asia and due to the endangered panda habitat among the beautiful panda habitat which is mainly composed of bamboo forest and famous might still be in danger if nothing is being done to eradicate the pandas from being endangered despite the continuous conflict of the  panda habitat and the ever ending man’s need for land for development, agriculture and for economic purposes as well. 

Despite the Chinese doing their efforts to spare more that 30 reserves for the plight of the pandas, progress is still being made for many people to realize that the Chinese are also doing their best in creating a home for thee giant pandas for people of all walks of life to come and see and at the same time share some of the pandas in many of the worlds famous zoos as well so that panda research and panda education can be ongoing in helping understand the panda even better. 

Seeing pandas in the zoo is not as interesting as when you would see pandas in the wild. The experience you get when you see pandas in their natural habitat, the bamboo and the sounds they make just thrills you up and makes your travel to this panda destination just a visit and a safari to remember.

Some of the famous beautiful Panda travel zoo destination in USA
Smithsonian National Zoo, Washington, USA
San Diego Zoo, San Diego, USA
Memphis Zoo, Memphis, USA
Zoo Atlanta, Atlanta, USA

Some of the famous beautiful Panda travel zoo destination in Mexico
Chapultepec Zoo, Mexico City, Mexico

Some of the famous beautiful Panda travel zoo destination in Spain
Madrid Zoo and Aquarium, Madrid, Spain

Some of the famous beautiful Panda travel zoo destination in Germany
Zoo Berlin, Germany

Some of the famous beautiful Panda travel zoo destination in

Schönbrunn Zoo, Vienna, Austria

Some of the famous beautiful Panda travel zoo destination in Australia
Adelaide Zoo, Adelaide, Australia

Some of the famous beautiful Panda travel zoo destination in Hong Kong 

Ocean Park, Hong Kong 

Some of the famous beautiful Panda travel zoo destination in Thailand 
Chiang Mai Zoo, Chiang Mai, Thailand 

Some of the famous beautiful Panda travel zoo destination in Taiwan 
Taipei Zoo, Taipei, Taiwan 

Some of the famous beautiful Panda travel zoo destination in Japan
Kobe Oji Zoo, Kobe, Japan 
Adventure World, Shirahama, Japan 

Some of the famous Panda travel zoo destination in China

Zhengzhou Zoo. Zhengzhou, China
Yunnan Safari Park. Kunming, China
Xixiakou Park. Shandong, China
Xiangjiang Safari Park. Guangzhou, China
Shanghai Zoo. Shanghai, China
Shanghai Wild Animal Park. Shanghai, Putong, China
Seven Star Park. Guilin, China
Macau's Panda Pavillion
Hongshan Forest Zoo. Nanjing, China
Hong Kong Ocean Park. Hong Kong
Giant Panda Ecological Park at the Wannan National Wild Animal Center “Eco Eden” Anhui, Xinuning, China
Fuzhou Panda World. Fuzhou, China
Chongqing Zoo. Chongqing City, China
Beijing Zoo Beijing, China

Panda natural habitat and protection of the Panda Reserves

With every ecosystem in any natural habitat, wildlife and any other living organisms depend upon each other and the survival of one species of organism always has an impact depending whether the endangered panda are not on top of the food chain in the beautiful dangerous bamboo forests of China. While life in the zoo is as artificial as it can be with little provision of the natural habitat of the panda China is all geared up in helping conserve the panda and lessons to be learned all over the world as well. While china is being blamed for the plight of panda being on the verge of extinction despite the fact that China still has the highest number of pandas in the world, the cultural and medicinal aspects of panda body parts is still one are which needs to be addressed and help quell this ever ending struggle between pandas and the bear species with all the norms regarding their body parts as well. 

While much is being done in the protect of the national forests of China with all its animal species and mostly where pandas reside, the panda breeding grounds and the panda feeding grounds as well. Since pandas eat mostly bamboo, the protection of the staple diet of the panda ensures adequate food for the pandas so that they don’t have to venture far from their natural habitat thereby having less contact with humans apart from other animals of predators which also tend to hunt pandas such as the snow leopard and the Asian tigers and since like all animals use their own animal instincts to look for water and pasture, it comes a time when these pandas have to migrate due to weather conditions and hence the provision of these reserves best serve as a connection between the different panda habitat hence opening of the panda migratory routs which need to be kept open for the pandas to breed well with other pandas from different forests as well hence ensuring that inbreeding does not take place as well. 

To some extent, the protectors of panda need to come from within the places where these pandas are residing. The proper panda protection can only be done if the panda habitat is accessible such that there is policing of may of the routs where logging in the panda habitat is taking place which always results in illegal panda poaching for its body parts to be sold in the local market and many of the panda babies end up as pets in the international market as the unchecked logging activities continue to diminish the panda’s habitat and in the whole degrading the natural forest where pandas and other animal thrive in these natural forests. 

With little resources available to help the pandas the reserves were made so that communication in and out of the panda reserves can be established in rescuing pandas that are sick or needed medical attention and to some extent where baby pandas end up being abandoned by their mothers as is always some of the rare cases in the animal kingdom. With a lot of information still not being known about pandas, Eco tourism in these panda reserves have encouraged people to venture into the world of panda and have had the chance to see these giant pandas in the wild. While research about pandas is till shading some light about the giant panda the locals are also having an opportune it to be part of the conservation efforts of the pandas and a win, win situation for the panda the locals and all those conducting research as well.

What are some of the best know facts about the Giant Panda?

The Giant pandas as beautiful as they can be are black and white bears. These beautiful endangered animals of Asia are mostly found mostly in the temperate-zone with the entire natural habitat which is mainly composed of bamboo forests in central China.  If people know Africa for its big wild animal safaris, China is no doubt the home for the giant pandas as these great beautiful animals have been cherished by all from tradition to the modern age and the plight of the pandas despite all, China still is one of the best places to travel to see these giant pandas readily available in the wild and in the protected areas as well. 

If you want to relate any thing which has of very high status as far as animals are concerned, the giant panda has made a name not only in the real conservation effort bat both the rich and the poor have found ways and means to find a link in creating awareness and as an animal of National pride to the Chinese as well.

Giant Panda migration and Geographic Distribution

The giant panda Scientific Classification (Genus and Species, Family, Order): Ailuropoda melanoleuca, Ursidae, Carnivora is found in some of the best animal habitat in china. When you talk of bamboo and pandas, there is no other better destination to see these giant pandas other than the beautiful mountain ranges in central China’s Sichuan, Gansu provinces and Shaanxi. Many of the pandas once thrived in the lowland areas where life was heaven for the pandas but with the advent of time, animal competition and man’s need for land use and for other economic benefits such as farming to make china self sufficient in its already food supply, forest clearing, the making of roads and the opening of the hinterland has cut off most of the pandas migration routs  and as a result there are not as many pandas in China even  today as one would have expected despite the fact China has the biggest number of the giant panda population in the wild and in the zoos as well

Great Giant Panda Natural Habitat

If water is to fish, the lion is to the African Savannah, the giant panda is defiantly at home at any bamboo natural forest and that is where these Giant pandas are comfortably at home. While most of the pandas in china are found in the forest, pandas mostly prefer the coniferous forests with all the rich vegetation which makes most of the giant panda’s diet which is mostly composed of bamboo shoots and bamboo leaves as well.  With such a natural habitat for the pandas to move, these pandas have the perfect feeding and breeding grounds with the abundant of moisture and the water needed  by the pandas which is easily available due to the cloud cover and the mist making it a perfect habitat for the pandas.

Endangered Giant Panda Physical Description

Pandas are such amazing creatures. A giant panda with all its beautiful back and white colors is just like a bear as far as the shape is concerned. All giant pandas have beautiful black fur on their ears, eye patches, muzzle, legs, and shoulders. The other parts of the panda bear's coat or skin is white. Many animals with their natural instincts have managed to survive and blend easily with their surroundings. The coat of the animal plays an important part while blending with its natural environment and natural habitat in terms of predators which are there in the wild but as far as the giant panda predators are concerned. If the beautiful Chinese forest came in shades of black and white, it would clearly state why the giant pandas are having black and white coat or fur. 

But when you come to think of it, the moisture and the mist in the  air covered by cloudy weather day in and day out makes the giant panda to blend in such thick smoky weather conditions such that it blends perfectly but  there are still many other reasons which keep on puzzling scientists as exactly why the panda was blessed with a shade of black and white for its coat. Despite the fact scientists do not know reasons to the mysteries of the unusual bears are black and white, some speculate that the bold coloring provides effective camouflage into their shade-dappled snowy and rocky surroundings. The giant panda's thick, wooly coat keeps it warm in the cool forests of its habitat. If you think the grizzly bears are the only animals on the planet which have razor sharp teeth, well the giant pandas have large molar teeth and amazing strong jaw muscles for crushing tough bamboo.

If you think the mahogany tree or the tick tree are some of the hardest tree in the world, you better guess again the bamboo tree is just as tough and if the pandas can tear them down and munch them, you just need to have that power to be able to bite through the bamboo. In the wild and in captivity, these beautiful endangered animals have all played their art as far as animal attacks are concerned  despite their friendly nature and a little bit of chubbiness, there are many cases where the giant pandas have attacked people and people are always warned not to get closer to them unless they are in the company of a trained animal handler or in a protected area. Remember giant pandas are just like any other bear in the wild and they can attack without warning. Whether its a provoked attack or just a giant panda protecting its baby, the cases are just the same as far as bears which have young ones respond in almost the same manner.

The Size of the Giant Panda

When you really want to how big a giant panda is, you will always be amazed by the size of pandas as they are as big as any other bear species in the world. In fact, there is very little comparison as far as the panda bear and the greatest beautiful dangerous grizzly bears and the polar bears that exist in the different parts of the world. As far as the height of the giant panda is concerned can reach about 4ft to 6ft long and when these panda sometimes stand between two and three feet tall at the shoulder. 

The giant male pandas are larger than the giant female pandas. As far as the general weights of the pandas are concerned  pandas weight about 250 pounds in the wild. With the different diet plans for most of the panda zoos in the world, some pandas might weigh even more due to the enriched fortified food to supplement their diet as well hence keeping wild animals in captivity can prolong their lives but the life they live is not as what is always expected for such animals ti life a full life.

The giant panda endangered status status

If there is an animal which has gotten all the attention as far as conservation and protection of an endangered species is concerned  the giant panda tops the list as the most endangered animal in the planet. A lot of awareness and campaigns have been launched not only by panda loving people, panda enthusiasts or panda photographers and celebrities from all walks of life, with the number of pandas The giant panda is listed as endangered in the World Conservation Union's (IUCN's) Red List of Threatened Animals. 

It is one of the most critically endangered species in the world. There are about 2,000 to 3000 left in the wild. About 240 pandas live in zoos such as Smithsonian National Zoo, Washington,San Diego Zoo, Memphis Zoo, Zoo Atlanta USA, Chapultepec Zoo, Mexico City, Madrid Zoo, Kobe Oji Zoo, Adventure World, Shirahama Japan  Chiang Mai Zoo, Chiang Mai, Thailand and Aquarium, Ocean Park, Hong Kong , Schönbrunn Zoo, Vienna Austria Adelaide Zoo, Adelaide, Australia, Zoo Berlin, Germany and breeding centers around the world, mostly in China. 

The Giant Panda Bear Life Span

How many people have spent life with these beautiful creatures while they are in the wild? If people have managed to live with lions while in the wild when they were still young, very few animal activists and researchers have managed to be with these great animals while in the wild.  Despite all the efforts which are now ongoing, the present pandas are the ones which people are now researching as far as the lifespan of the giant pandas is concerned  Scientists are not sure how long giant pandas live in the wild, but they are sure it is shorter than lifespans in zoos. 

Why do pandas have a short life in the wild?  its very simple. survival for the fittest and only the strong survive. Natural weather condition, pest and diseases, pandas predators and old age which also makes the panda become vulnerable to other predators as well. Its all part of natural selection and the food web as well where by each and a very animal in the pandas habitat is just linked to one another Chinese scientists have reported zoo pandas as old as 35.

Giant Panda with the Bamboo Diet

Pandas find most of their food in the forest which is mainly composed of bamboo  Pandas will eat and eat bamboo day in day our come rain come sunshine. In fact a giant panda's diet is almost 100% bamboo while in the wild. Although the panda is classified in the taxonomy of living things as a carnivore, its diet is primarily herbivorous. A giant panda's diet consists mainly of bamboo, while in captivity giant pandas are also fed apples, sweet potatoes and carrots.
The balance consists of other grasses and occasional small rodents or musk deer fawns. In zoos, giant pandas eat bamboo, sugar cane, rice gruel, a special high-fiber biscuit, carrots, apples, and sweet potatoes.

Panda Breeding Habits 

Female giant pandas are notorious for not breeding easily, only ovulating once a year, in the Spring, and for only two to three days during this time. Other than that, they show little interest in mating. While many of the giant pandas which are raised in the wild are also aimed of being introduced back into the wild, not all re-introductions go smoothly. In 2007, a five-year-old male named Xiang Xiang was let into the wild after three years of training, but was was later found dead in a remote part of the reserve. Currently it is estimated that about 2,000 to 3,000 giant pandas live in the wild worldwide, and about 239 in captivity. 

The giant Pandas are slow to reproduce, as litters usually and mainly consist of one cub. When the cub is born, the cute little panda bear will stay with its mother for up three years after birth. You find that in the wild a giant female panda can only have new young once every two years at a time at the most. This slow breeding rate of the giant panda bear, combined with a seeming reluctance to reproduce in captivity, has contributed to the panda's precarious grip on existence in the face of human-related survival pressures.

Giant Panda Social Structure

Adult giant pandas are generally solitary, but they do communicate periodically through scent marks, calls, and occasional meetings. Offspring stay with their mothers from one and a half to three years.

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Baby Panda: The Challenges and Joys of Raising a Giant Panda Cub

If you've ever seen a baby panda, you know how cute and cuddly they can be. But behind their adorable exterior lies a tough start to life. In this post, we'll explore the challenges and joys of raising a baby panda, as well as the conservation efforts in place to protect this beloved species.

The Life of a Baby Panda

Baby pandas are born pink and hairless, weighing only around 100 grams. They are completely dependent on their mothers for the first few months of life, relying on them for food, warmth, and protection. At around 6-8 weeks, they start to develop black and white fur, and by 3-4 months they begin to crawl and explore their surroundings.

The Challenges Faced by Baby Pandas

One of the biggest challenges faced by baby pandas is their low survival rate. In the wild, only about half of all panda cubs survive their first year, due to factors such as disease, malnutrition, and predation. Even in captivity, where they receive top-notch care, it can be difficult to ensure their survival.

The Dangers of Baby Pandas

In addition to natural threats, baby pandas also face dangers from humans. Habitat loss and fragmentation due to human activities such as logging and farming have greatly reduced the pandas' natural range, leaving them vulnerable to extinction. Poaching for their fur and body parts also continues to be a threat.

Conservation Efforts to Protect Baby Pandas

Thankfully, there are many conservation efforts in place to protect baby pandas and their habitat. Organizations such as the World Wildlife Fund work to restore and protect panda habitat, as well as to combat illegal poaching. Breeding programs in zoos and research centers also help to increase the panda population and genetic diversity.

Fun Facts About Baby Pandas

  • Baby pandas are born blind and deaf, but develop these senses over the first few weeks of life.
  • They start to eat bamboo at around 6 months of age, but will continue to nurse for up to a year.
  • Baby pandas have a special adaptation on their wrists that helps them grip bamboo stalks and climb trees.

Challenges of Raising Baby Pandas

Raising baby pandas can be a difficult and labor-intensive process, as they require round-the-clock care and attention. In captivity, zookeepers and researchers must closely monitor their diet, weight, and health to ensure their survival. It's also important to provide them with enrichment activities to keep them mentally and physically stimulated.

Interesting Facts About Baby Pandas in Culture

Baby pandas have become a cultural icon around the world, beloved for their cute and cuddly appearance. They have been featured in movies, TV shows, and even the mascot for the 2008 Beijing Olympics. In Chinese culture, pandas are seen as a symbol of peace and friendship.


Raising a baby panda is no easy feat, but the rewards are great. With proper care and attention, these cute cubs can grow up to be healthy and thriving adults. But we must also continue to work to protect their habitat and prevent illegal poaching to ensure their survival in the wild.

The Challenges of Raising a Baby Panda

  • Raising a baby panda is no easy feat. One of the main challenges is their diet. Panda cubs are exclusively fed on their mother's milk for the first six months of their life. As a result, mother pandas have to produce milk that is high in fat and protein to meet the nutritional needs of their growing cubs. This can be a challenge for mother pandas, who have to consume large amounts of bamboo to produce enough milk.
  • Another challenge is keeping the baby panda safe from potential predators. In the wild, baby pandas are at risk of being attacked by other animals, such as leopards and jackals. In captivity, the pandas are kept in enclosures that are designed to keep them safe from harm.

Interesting Facts about Baby Pandas

  • Baby pandas are born blind and only open their eyes after 6-8 weeks.
  • The mother panda produces milk that is 5 times higher in protein and 10 times higher in fat than cow's milk.
  • Baby pandas can weigh as little as 3.5 ounces at birth.
  • Pandas have a pseudo-thumb, which helps them to grip bamboo shoots.
  • Baby pandas can start eating bamboo at 6 months old, but they will still nurse for up to a year.
  • Pandas in Culture
  • Pandas have become a cultural icon in many countries, especially in China, where they are considered a symbol of peace and good fortune. The giant panda is also an important symbol for the conservation movement, and many zoos around the world have breeding programs to help preserve the species.


Baby pandas are adorable creatures that face many challenges in their young lives. From the dangers they face in the wild to the challenges of being raised in captivity, panda cubs require a great deal of care and attention. Fortunately, there are many conservation efforts underway to help protect these amazing animals, and we can all do our part to support them.

Further Reading and Resources

If you're interested in learning more about pandas and their conservation, here are some recommended books and resources:

  1. "Pandas: The Complete Guide for Beginners" by Mark Smith
  2. "The Last Panda" by George B. Schaller
  3. World Wildlife Fund's Panda Conservation website (
  4. "Pandas: The Journey Home" by Jennifer S. Holland
  5. World Wildlife Fund - Giant Panda Conservation
  6. Smithsonian's National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute - Giant Panda Information

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October 25, 2012

Animal Rescue endangered animal adoption list. Love all animals to Save all Animal species

  • Aiken SPCA - Pet list with pictures and basic information and volunteer opportunities.
  • Amazing Animals Rescued and Rehabilitated from Foster to Forever - A no-kill/limited entry group. Lists animals available for adoption and has an on-line application. Mayo.
  • Anderson County Animal Shelter - Pet list with pictures, news, and ways to help.
  • Animal Allies - Dedicated to reducing pet overpopulation in the Spartanburg area. Involved in some rescue and adoption activities. Mission statement and membership details are included.
  • Animal Protection League of South Carolina - Information about the shelter in Hopkins. Photographs and information on available dogs and cats, adopt a pet program, membership program, needs, news and events.
  • Animal Rescue Fund of South Carolina - A no kill pet rescue organization in Seneca that takes in unwanted and injured pets. Lists available animals, adoption fees and process details, and event, donation, and volunteer information.
  • Berkeley County PAWS - Non-profit foster home organization. Descriptions and photographs of available dogs and cats.
  • Carolina Animal Protection Citizens Alliance - Dedicated to reducing the killing of animals due to indiscriminate breeding. Available pet list for adoption. Pickens.
  • Carolina Animal Rescue Effort - A nonprofit organization with a rescue-adoption program that focuses primarily on the rescue of animals from area shelters. Does accept some outside rescues. Pet list with available animals and adoption information.
  • Charleston Animal Society - Adoption information including pictures and descriptions of available pets, programs and volunteer opportunities, spay/neuter clinic services, and history of the organization. Charleston-Trident metro area.
  • Columbia Animal Mission - Wish list, lost and found listings, volunteer opportunities, and information on their services.
  • Critter Connection - Photographs and profiles of available dogs and cats, adoption procedures, and contact information. Spartanburg.
  • FIDO - A no kill organization located in West Columbia. Pet list with animals available for adoption.
  • Florence Area Humane Society - Photographs and pictures of adoptable pets, contact information and hours of operation, and ways to help.
  • Frances R. Willis SPCA - Information on adoption or surrendering a pet, photographs and profiles of available dogs and cats, pet care articles, wish list, volunteer opportunities, events, and newsletter. Summerville.
  • Grand Strand Humane Society - Adoption and contact information and pictures and photographs of available pets. Myrtle Beach.
  • Greenville Humane Society - Services Greenville area through lost and found, animal control, pet therapy, pet cemetery, rescue programs, spay/neuter clinic, US Customs training center, and animal cruelty. Features available animals for adoption.
  • Hav-A-Heart 2000 - A non-profit pet rescue and animal adoption organization in Columbia. Pictures      and descriptions of available cats and dogs.
  • Hilton Head Humane Association - Pictures with information on available dogs and cats, adoption information, hours and directions, foster program, hurricane evacuation, volunteer opportunities, and newsletter.
  • Humane Society of Cherokee County - Pet list with pictures and information and directions to the shelter in Gaffney.
  • Humane Society of Greenwood - A non-profit organization. Photographs of available dogs and cats, spay/neuter information and low cost clinic, pet care tips, ways to help, and state cruelty prevention laws.
  • Humane Society of McCormick County, Inc. - List of available animals for adoption and volunteer opportunities.
  • Kare Team Sanctuary - Pictures and descriptions of available dogs and cats. Longs.
  • Lee County Animal Shelter - List of available animals and news.
  • Low Country Animal Rescue - Pet list with pictures and descriptions. Summerville.
  • Marion County SPCA - A non-profit organization that strives to help end animal cruelty and place all orphaned and previously unwanted animals into kind, loving homes. Pet list with pictures and basic information.
  • Mary Ann Morris Animal Society - Adoption and contact information provided. A non-profit organization dedicated to procuring the humane treatment of animals in their rural area. Bamberg.
  • Mollys Militia - A group of volunteers in the Central Savannah River area. Pictures and descriptions of adoptable pets and news and events.
  • Our Lady of Mercy's Catnip Cottage - Pet list with pictures and information on dogs and cats available for adoption. Downloadable application. Summerville.
  • Pet Haven of South Carolina, Inc. - Provides rescue and shelter with a "No Kill" policy, for all types of animals. Offers a profile, program details, available animals and how to help or donate.
  • Pet Helpers of South Carolina - Information pet adoptions, pictures and descriptions of adoptable dogs and cats, and volunteer programs. Charleston.
  • Pets, Inc. - Nonprofit animal rescue operation assisting with rescue, recovery, rehabilitation, adoption and training. Pictures and descriptions of pets available for adoption, adoption enrollment program, pet identification registration, and events. West Columbia.
  • Project Pet - Non-profit animal rescue organization based out of Columbia. Provides homes for lost, abandoned, abused and owner surrendered animals. Adoption policy, agreement and fees. Pictures and descriptions of available cats and dogs,and information about the 'Backstreet Cat Crusade.'
  • Recycled Pets, Inc. - Nonprofit organization dedicated to the rescue, care, and adoption of unwanted pets. Located in Rock Hill and also serving the metro Charlotte area. Pictures and information on available cats and dogs, adoption application, adoption fees, and wish list.
  • Saint Francis Animal Shelter - Information on the Georgetown organization, photographs of animals available for adoption, and newsletter.
  • Spartanburg Humane Society - Visiting hours and pet list with photographs and information on adoptable pets.
  • The Humane Society of North Myrtle Beach Inc. - Finds loving and permanent homes for abandoned animals. Features mission statement and list of animals available for adoption.
  • Waccamaw Animal Rescue Mission - Lists available animals for adoption, wish list, volunteer needs, and a list of upcoming events. Conway.
  • Walter Crowe Animal Shelter - Non-profit organization with lists of animals available for adoption and contact information. Serves Kershaw County.
  • Williamsburg Animal Shelter - Covers volunteer opportunities, FAQ, history, membership form, and events

    1. Altus Animal Aid - Organization aiding in the adoption of unwanted and abandoned animals in the Altus/Texoma area. Membership application, success stories, wish list, foster form, photographs of adoptable pets, and why not to use a "free to a good home" ad.

    1. Animal Aid - Volunteer needs, newsletter archive, photographs of available cats and dogs, and a calendar of events. Tulsa.
    2. Animal Rescue Foundation of Bartlesville - All-volunteer organization dedicated to finding new homes for abused/abandoned companion animals. Adoption application, map to the shelter, hours of operation, and contact information.
    3. Animal Rescue Tulsa - Rescuing pets from city animal shelters and caring for them until they are adopted. Photographs of available animals, adoption policies, wish list, donation form, and memorial listings.
    4. City of Owasso Animal Shelter - Municipal animal shelter that provides shelter to all stray and abandoned animals. Directions to the shelter, contact information, and photographs of animals in need of adoption.
    5. Enid SPCA - Wish list, explanation of adoption fees, and photographs of animals in need of homes.
    6. Online Oklahoma Animal Shelters - List of animal shelters throughout the state and listings of dogs being placed in new homes by current owners.
    7. Pet Adoption League - No-kill group specializing in animals who are over 5 years old, handicapped in some way, or who have been orphaned due to the owner's death. List of available cats and dogs, adoption policies, and volunteer needs. Tulsa.
    8. Pets and People Humane Society - The last line of defense for many dogs and cats in the metro area of Oklahoma City and beyond. Pet tips, adoption information, volunteer information and pet photographs.
    9. Pets4Adoption - Dedicated to finding good homes for lost, stray, unwanted, abandoned, and abused animals. Pictures and news. Norman.
    10. Rogers County Humane Society - Network of foster volunteers rescuing and taking in stray animals. Rescue news and contact information.
    11. Stillwater Animal Control - Municipal animal shelter that takes in stray and homeless animals. Directions to the shelter, information on adoption fees, and photographs of available animals.
    12. Tulsa Animal Shelter - Information about animal control, profiles of animals available for adoption, city ordinance, pet care tips, and location map.
    13. Tulsa Society For the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Non-profit organization that offers refuge, medical care, and opportunity for adoption to unwanted animals. Volunteer events, donation opportunities, and photographs of pets available for adoption.
    14. Washington County SPCA - Non-profit organization that provides shelter, protection and care for animals. Photographs and descriptions of pets available for adoption.

    Adopt-A-Dog - Lists dogs and cats available for adoption from area shelters. Training tips, information on upcoming events, and ways to help. Based in Greenwich

    Animal Friends of CT - An all volunteer organization, based in West Hartford and New Britain that rescues stray, abandoned, abused, impounded and handicapped dogs and cats.

    Animals for Life - Shelter hours, adoption policies, calendar of events, and volunteer opportunities. Middlebury.

    Connecticut Animal Shelters - List of animal shelters statewide with contact information.

    Connecticut Humane Society - Adoptable pets, animal protection, lost and found, information for pet owners, programs and services, volunteer program, calendar of events and links.

    Danbury Animal Welfare Society - A non-profit organization formed in 1974 with the mission of caring for neglected, abused, stray and abandoned animals in the Greater Danbury area.

    District Animal Control of Woodbridge, OrangeBethany, and Prospect - Directions to the shelter, contact information, and photos of pets in need of homes.

    Flora's Pet Project - Provides photographs and information about dogs and cats available for adoption at the NaugatuckConnecticut Animal Shelter.

    Friends of Mansfield Animal Shelter - Small group provides foster care for animals in need. Includes adoption information and wish list.

    Friends of the New Haven Animal Shelter - Volunteer organization dedicated to      helping find responsible, loving homes for animals.

    Helping Paws - Foster home rescue network listing animals available for adoption. Online newsletter and pet-related articles.

    Little Guild of St. Francis for the Welfare of Animals - Animal shelter in West Cornwall that lists cats and dogs available for adoption. Information on upcoming events, things to consider before adopting, and the shelter's history.
    New Leash on Life Animal Rescue - Volunteer organization in Stratford. Provides list of adoptable pets and ways to help.

    Northeastern Connecticut Animal Rescue - Nonprofit animal welfare group that finds homes for dogs and cats in municipal pounds. Descriptions of animals in need of homes, contact information, and links to area shelters.

    Old Lyme Animal Control and Shelter - Offers photographs of adoptable animals, population control programs, directions to the shelter and licensing information.

    Pet Animal Welfare Society - Nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing homeless animals and placing them in new homes. Norwalk.

    Pet Protectors - Includes photos of available animals, how to help, and a calendar of events. Based in Fairfield.

    SPCA of Connecticut - Animal rescue group in Monroe. Offers photographs of animals available for adoption, site location, and information.

    Shelter Alliance and Resources for Animals with Handicaps - Nonprofit organization created to help raise funds and public awareness for handicapped animals.

    The Alliance In Limiting Strays - Provides low cost spaying and neutering for dogs and cats in Fairfield County.

    The Martina Foundation Inc - A sanctuary for animals deemed unadoptable by      other rescue organizations. Provides a history and details of current residents. Located in Bethlehem.

    Vernon Animal Control Shelter - Animal pound and multi purpose facility housing stray and injured animals.

    Wallingford Connecticut Dog Pound - Listing of the many fine cats and dogs available for adoption.

      1. Adams County Animal Shelter and Adoption Center - Photographs of available animals, adoption policy, and information about county regulations.
      2. Ark-Valley Humane Society - Provides rescue and adoption services for homeless animals. Offers staff information, lost and found, cremation and happy trails.
      3. Black Forest Animal Sanctuary - Private farm in Black Forest offering rescue and rehabilitation for horses, dogs, cats, and goats.
      4. Clear Creek County Animal Shelter - Photographs of available animals, tips, and calendar of events.
      5. Colorado’s Helping Hands Foundation - Organization providing medical care for animals in need. Stories of animals they've assisted and ones still awaiting help, how to donate, and links.
      6. Denver Dumb Friends League - Private, non-profit animal welfare organization in Denver. How to get involved, pictures of animals in their care, lost and found listings, advice on animal care, and schedule of their obedience classes.
      7. Dreampower Animal Rescue - Nonprofit organization rescuing, fostering, and adopting out all sorts of animals. Photographs of adoptable pets and list of upcoming events. Colorado Springs.
      8. Evergreen Animal Protective League - Includes photos of available animals, calendar of events, and volunteer opportunities.
      9. Foothills Animal Shelter - Photographs of available animals, adoption policy, volunteer opportunities, calendar of events, and donation information. Serves the Denver area.
      10. Humane Society of Boulder Valley - Photographs and descriptions of many types of adoptable pets, breakdown of adoption fee, information on upcoming events, ways to help, and a pet friendly housing list.
      11. Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region - Community shelter providing adoption services, referrals for low-cost pet care, education outreach and volunteer opportunities. Success stories, foster needs, pictures of featured pets, and information on upcoming events.
      12. Intermountain Humane Society - Group provides care for stray or unwanted pets, spay/neuter assistance and humane education. Located in the mountain region southwest of Denver.
      13. La Plata County Humane Society - Adoption guidelines, pictures of available pets, and volunteer needs.
      14. Larimer County Humane Society - Mission: promote ethical treatment of animals; provide a support system for people and their animals; encourage adherence to animal ordinances; and reduce to '0' the number of animals destroyed simply because they are surplus.
      15. Longmont Humane Society - Committed to preventing the suffering of and cruelty to animals, and striving to instill in the community an ethic of empathy, care, and appreciation for all living things.
      16. Maxfund Animal Adoption Center - No-kill animal rescue shelter and animal health organization located in Denver.
      17. National Mill Dog Rescue - Provides rescue, rehabilitation and rehoming of mill dogs. Details of media coverage, animals available for adoption, new arrivals and poetry corner.
      18. Wolves Offered Life and Friendship - W.O.L.F. is a rescue/shelter/sanctuary for unwanted captive-bred wolves and wolf-dogs located in Northern Colorado.

      1. ARK - Non-profit organization  unwanted, sick, injured, orphaned, and abandoned animals. News, events, dog and cat referral lists, articles, and links to adoptable pets. Toney.

      1. Alabama Animal Adoption Society - Helping strays and unwanted family pets find loving and responsible homes and educating the public. Photographs and profiles of available pets, adoption policies, and a low-cost spay and neuter program. Homewood.
      2. Alabama Animal Rescue - Features pictures of animals in the Humane Society of Shelby County in Columbiana, a local veterinarians office, in a foster home or in another shelter in Alabama. Includes adoption application and volunteer opportunities.
      3. Alabama Lost and Found Pet Bulletin Board, Registry - Provides a lost and found pet bulletin board and recovery services in Alabama. List or search for a lost or found pet. Includes tips on what to do to find a lost pet or steps to take to find an owner.
      4. Blount Animal Rescue Kennel - Wish list and pictures of animals in need of homes. Locust Fork.
      5. Calhoun County Animal Shelter - Adoption policies, hours of operation, contact information, and photographs of dogs and cats in need of homes.
      6. Chattahoochee Humane Society - Wish list, contact information, adoption policies, and photographs of pets up for adoption.
      7. Friends of Cats and Dogs Foundation - Helps stray animals, pets, and their owners through various programs including community education, low-cost spay and neuter services, and food distribution. Birmingham.
      8. Greater Birmingham Humane Society - Pictures and descriptions of available pets, adoption form, education programs, volunteer opportunities, and news.
      9. Greater Huntsville Humane Society - News, contact details, shelter hours, and a list of available animals.
      10. Heaven Scent Rescue and Shelter - Midland City. Ferret rescue. Includes available ferrets, vet list, adoption contract, and success stories.
      11. Humane Society of Shelby County - Maintains a shelter in Columbiana and an adoption center in Helene. Education programs, volunteer opportunities, and placement services.
      12. Jefferson County Animal Control Services - Photographs of pets in need of homes, information on their services, list of fees, hours of operation, and contact information.
      13. Lake Martin Humane Society - Photographs of dogs and cats available for adoption, information about policies, and tips on responsible pet ownership.
      14. Metro Animal Shelter - Provides adoption policies and guidelines, pictures, and facility information and history. Tuscaloosa.
      15. Mobile SPCA - Non-profit humane society involved with animal adoptions, spay and neuter assistance, and educational programs. Includes event details and information about programs.
      16. Montgomery Humane Society - Adoption policies, lost and found program, hours of operation and directions, history, and volunteer and employment opportunities.
      17. Morgan County Animal Shelter - Hours of operation, contact information, and photographs of animals in need of a home.
      18. North West Alabama Animal Adoption - Adoption application, description of animals available, and wish list.
      19. Parenting Children of Different Species - Organization rescuing animals from shelters on the day they're scheduled to be put down. Adoption hours, and photographs of available pets. Hartselle.
      20. Pell City Animal Shelter - Adoption policies and hours, contact information, and photographs of available cats and dogs.
      21. T-Town P.A.W.S. - Non-profit organization dedicated to promoting animal welfare through education and a neuter/spay assistance program. Pet care tips, events, volunteer and membership information, and information on their events. Tuscaloosa.
      22. The Humane Society of Elmore County - Information on adopting pets, photographs, list of adoption fees, how to help, adoption hours, wish list, and contact details.
      23. The Humane Society of Etowah County - A private, non-profit organization in Gadsden. Images and profiles of available pets, adoption process and fees, seasonal pet care information, tips for finding a lost pet, newsletter, and volunteer opportunities.
      24. The Humane Society of West Alabama - No-kill, all-volunteer, nonprofit organization. Events calendar, news, ways to help, how to adopt a pet, and pictures of available companion animals. Tuscaloosa.
      25. The Mutt Mission - Non-profit stray rescue organization operating in Morgan County. Photographs of available animals, adoption contract, and contact information.
      26. Wiregrass Humane Society - Information on adoption policies, images of adoptable pets, and shelter news. Dothan.

        • Alaska Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Includes a newsletter, information about services, and friendship and memorial pages. Located in Anchorage.
      1. City of Valdez Department of Anima Control - Photographs of available animals, care tips, and information about how to help.
      2. Friends of Pets - Animal welfare and advocacy, rescue and adoption placement, spay/neuter education and assistance. Located in Anchorage.
      3. Gastineau Humane Society - Provides shelter for lost, homeless, abandoned and abused animals. Offers education programs, animals for adoption, details of how to get involved and upcoming events.
      4. Homer Animal Shelter - Galleries of photographs of animals available for adoption, success stories, and tour of the shelter.
      5. Loving Companions Animal Rescue - A non-profit corporation created to save and care for unwanted, abandoned animals in the interior of the State of Alaska. Provides mission statement, current activities, volunteer information, and stories of interest.
      6. Petersburg Humane Association - Promotes animal welfare, publicizes local pets needing homes, fosters homeless pets, and encourages responsible pet guardianship. Includes information about volunteer opportunities, memorials, and membership application.