December 10, 2011

Twiga Beautiful giraffe pictures


Giraffes safaris can be as beautiful and dangerous in the midst

Where in the world would you find the biggest animal in the world or the tallest animal in the world in its natural habitat. Well with a vast area of flora and fauna Africa is the best place to see these beautiful animals and especially the tallest animal in the world. The Giraffe is a very  amazing, interesting beautiful  animal. Just like may of the beautiful animals of the African Savannah lands, with great colours and fur mainly composed of  spotted coat  colours as compared to zebras tiger, leopard and the cheetah, the giraffe is an animal with its own beauty..
Giraffe with three heads the most beautiful giraffe picture

GIRAFFE is known as Giraffa camelopardalis
Kiswahili  name TWIGA . For all those animal loving people, a visit at the Giraffe centre or giraffe animal safari in Nairobi Kenya is just a perfect way of getting to get a kiss from the amazing giraffe. People at the giraffe centre in Nairobi get to feed giraffe and take amazing giraffe pictures as well. Remember twiga as in tiger safaris is just one pace you should read about tigers and hear great stories about tigers.

Giraffes or twiga are the tallest land mamals or animals

The word twiga  is mostly used by the people who speak Swahili in East Africa and you find that if these beautiful animals  twiga or giraffes are to be seen, the national parks of different countries have giraffes in their protected  areas whereas these beautiful or the tallest animals in the world are also found in zoos, animal parks and reserves. Giraffes or  twiga are not that dangerous animals compared to lions and others most dangerous animals on earth. When giraffes are attacked, they can be deadly and dangerous sometimes. Lions and other animals which prey on giraffes have always been attacked and kicked by the giraffe powerful long legs and leaving them running for their lives.

Giraffes animals withthe longest neacks and tongues


Amazing animals, giraffes are the tallest mammal animals in the world measuring 6feet tall amazingly they can live for about  25 years in the wild.
Giraffes or Twiga eat plants from acacia tress mostly found in the African Savannah lands and grass for food which gives them an advantage of staying for days and weeks without water which is a good sign during droughts

Giraffes drinking water poses danger from animal attacks

The female giraffes give  birth standing to young ones after 15 months duration. The Baby giraffe is 6feet tall immediately after birth. How would feel if you were a baby giraffe and when you are born the first thing is to fall down from great height. Amazing Mother nature. 

Girafffes animals that run in slowmotion

When it comes to the most intelligent animals in the world, giraffes are unique and intelligent in their own way they can sense when the predators especially lion or wildebeest are at a close range moreover the giraffe’s sleeps while standing in case of any danger they are ready to run as fast as a cheetah to survive.
Just like fingers and claws for may of the animals the longest tongue in the world, the giraffe’s tongue is 15 centimetres long it can hold or grab objects without any struggle

With every unique aspect of an animal,there are always disadvantages as far a the tallest giraffe is concerned. even the giraffes are vulnerable to predators in that when they want to quench their thirst by drinking water they have to spread their legs a part and bend making them easier pray to wild animals especially the lions.

An average male giraffe can weigh as much as a pick up truck! That’s almost about 1400 kilograms.
Have you ever imagined that humans and giraffes are the same. Well that's true in the sense that despite the fact that the giraffe’s neck is 1.5 – 1.8 metres, it contains the same number of vertebrae at a human neck.
A giraffe's natural habitat and breeding ground is usually found in African savannas, grasslands or open woodlands.

The giraffe hair that makes up a giraffes tail is about 10 times thicker than the average strand of human hair.
The distinctive spots that cover a giraffe’s fur act as a good camouflage to protect the giraffe from predators. there is no natural protection other than when the giraffe stands in front of trees and bushes the light and dark colouring of its fur blends in with the shadows and sunlight.

It is possible to identify giraffes when they are standing together. The sex of a giraffe  can be determined by the horns on the giraffe's  head. Both male and female giraffes  have horns but the female horns are smaller  than the male giraffe horns and are almost covered with hair at the top. Its amazing g to note that the male giraffes may have up to 3 additional horns.

Africa the natural home for the tallest animals inthe world
Giraffes are ruminants. This means that the giraffe have more than one stomach. In fact, giraffes have four stomachs, the extra stomachs assisting with digesting food.
Drinking is one of the most dangerous times for a giraffe. While it is getting a drink it cannot keep a look out for predators and is vulnerable to attack.

Giraffes animal safaris at Mount Kilimanjaro
Male giraffes always fight for love. Mature giraffes always fight with their necks over female giraffes. This is called “necking”. The two giraffes stand side by side and one giraffe swings his head and neck, hitting his head against the other giraffe. Sometimes when these dangerous giraffe fights take place one giraffe of the giraffes is hit to the ground during a combat.
A female giraffe gives birth while standing up. The calf drops approximately 6 feet to the ground, but the great height doesn't heart the baby giraffe..
Giraffes have bluish-purple tongues which are tough and covered in bristly hair to help them with eating the thorny Acacia trees.

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  1. Nice giraffe pictures

  2. Awesome photos! I love thesebeautiful creatures!!!!

  3. Giraffes are beautiful animals and withtheir sheer size and long legs and as the tallest animal on land, these animals are just adorable

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